Our Vision

Green Evangelisation Movement Council does have a clear vision about a much healthier generation residing in an unpolluted Green environment which will make a huge difference in the life of a human being as well as the planet. Our Green promotional voices with real social commitment makes us really confident that we can even increase the healthy life span of people by 15 - 20 years on an average which is actually painfully reduced by the drastic effects of massive air pollution, which can easily be prevented by corrective measures taken by the authorities and followed as human activities.

It is our endeavor to reach out to the society at the grass root level by spreading this golden message of Green Revolution, to all classes of people without any discrimination of rich or poor, literate or illiterate, all classes especially the ones that are socially marginalized, without knowing the luxury of enjoying a better life in a clean, unpolluted, healthy, Green environment that is free from suffocation and chronic respiratory diseases.

By going Green we can certainly reduce or eliminate air pollutants and thereby make the air we breathe clean, which means good health and less expenditure on hospital bills. Use of green and renewable energy also helps to reduce the emission of Carbon dioxide to the environment that reduces Carbon footprints which is so critical as the amount of Carbon dioxide absorbed by oceans is currently increasing by two billion tons per year, leading to severe climate changes.


A Real Nightmare For The Future

We could have a real nightmare for the future when the high seas overwhelm our sea defenses and secondly where the rivers flood the land behind the defenses and a third one which is the worst of all are both of these things happen together. The result is, if we fail to address these future risks most seriously, there will be many low lying parts of the country either permanently waterlogged or flooded with such frequency .


Team Green For Clean Air

Air which is all around us is a mixture of different gases which is made up of approximately 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. Air has small amounts of other gases too, such as carbon dioxide, neon, hydrogen and also holds numerous tiny particles in the air called aerosols which are picked up naturally when the wind blows. When the air can also carry soot, smoke and other poisonous particles exhausted mainly from fuel powered vehicles and coal fired power plants, it will result in air pollution. Team green is fully aware of these global disasters and fully committed to bring about a change and a partial solution for the same.


Air Is All What Matters

After all, air is the primary aspect for the existence of human beings and if you are lucky enough to live in a place where there is no air pollution, then you are the luckiest person on earth. It's not the humans alone, each and every system of the universe depends on the quality of air. Ozone, another type of gas in the air, also protects us from too much sunlight which is also affected by air pollution resulting in global warming. This is making our planet hotter and hotter with sea water also being affected by the rise in temperature which leads to dangerous rise in sea levels.


Better Late Than Never

Most people have busy lives with other things to worry about and people are least interested to hear about this disaster. Partly because the effects of a changing climate tend to be invisible and incremental until they are suddenly catastrophic. Tough words have to be used to describe the disaster of climate change. If words like climate change and global warming have become a turn off for most ordinary people, maybe we should change the words. Perhaps we should talk instead about what those things actually mean like killer weather, a world under water, a mortgaged future and so on. Many people might not get out of bed to fight something that sounds vaguely technical and feels non threatening even though it's otherwise in the case of air pollution which is a real disaster. It's almost late that all of us would do so to protect our loved ones, our homes, our livelihoods and to build a better world around us which is always better late than never.


Team Green Will Make It Happen

Green Asia with electric vehicles has been in the limelight for quite some time but the target is way too ambitious. Even with high investments, country policies and incentives, industry stalwarts explain that Asia still has a long way to go regarding the popularity of electric vehicles. With the help of the government and other promoters for the process, the Asian automobile industry is ready to take on the challenge in order to achieve maximum electric vehicles on the roads at the earliest. Electric vehicles in Asia have opened ample business opportunities for automobile companies within the country and across the globe. Volkswagen is going to establish the biggest electric car automobile manufacturing unit in China to produce more than half a million units in a year followed by almost all the automobile giants with their electric vehicle models. Above all Team green has taken it up as a global challenge to voice the same in the strongest way possible because it's a basic right and need of humanity to get clean air to breathe.


Green Voice For Hydrogen Vessel

Green Asian Voice is fully committed to bring about this change by conducting maximum awareness programs and finding global investors for new hydrogen powered container ships. Our main objective of replacing maximum petrol and diesel vehicles will automatically reduce the traffic of the huge container ships where some of them even use 80000 liters of diesel in a single day which is unbelievable. The transportation of this oil from 10 countries to more than 150 countries makes the international sea route the busiest by polluting the whole universe in one stretch but we are confident that the faster conversion of fuel powered vehicles to electric vehicles will reduce the use of oil globally and thereby reducing the traffic of ships too. Hydrogen ships will further reduce pollution to a great extent and this will be a turning point in the life of each and every citizen of this universe because air pollution is a global problem without boundaries.


Same Plastic Fill Needed

We have seen an almost overnight change in behavior in relation to plastics. We’re seeing something similar, if slower in people’s attitude to water with more and more of us taking care to use it wisely and that has become increasingly socially unacceptable to waste water. It has become socially unacceptable to litter or to use throwaway plastic bags. The same thing can happen and maybe is happening with regard to behavior which stops climate change also that arises due to air pollution.


Team Green Making Greener

The most committed social workers of our organization known as Team Green are working in anticipation with the latest climate change predictions in mind and building extra strong foundations beneath many of them. Despite the long life goals, we are already working on a replacement for many of the existing concepts, like extensive use of petrol and diesel to electric vehicles etc. for making a better green environment without air pollution. We will develop the plans to lay the foundations for us and future generations to come. We are aiming to do better than just surviving the changing climate. Our aspiration is to help this continent thrive by working with the grain of the natural environment. We are committed to turn the threat of climate change into an opportunity of creating a better place by dedicating ourselves to take vital steps for reducing the carbon footprint from our own day to day life.


Root Cause Of Tragedies

Air pollution is the root cause of many tragedies in the world, which affects even the dear ones of our family too because air pollution is not selective in its attack and even goes beyond our borders as a universal disaster. We can remove more than fifty percent of hospitalizations by taking maximum effort to reduce air pollution which is the main reason for many diseases, leading to millions of global deaths annually.



We sincerely welcome all socially committed citizens universally to join hands with your humble contributions as donations to fight against the greatest disaster of mankind which is air pollution and thereby save the millions of people who are losing their precious lives along with the billions of people who are struggling with chronic respiratory diseases every year, due to the disastrous effects of air pollution.

So let's decide today that my smallest contributions can change a disaster which the world is facing and there is no doubt that your life will become more meaningful and even your smallest effort will be a great contribution for the biggest change that the whole universe is thirsting. To know the intensity of the same we can categorically establish that air pollution is thousand times more problematic than the recent coronavirus pandemic which has shaken and shut the whole world for a considerable period of time.

Bank Name  : State Bank of India
Account Number  : 11330100106069
Account : Green Evangalisation Movement Council
Branch : Kanjirappally, Kottayam, Kerala
Type : Current Account
IFSC : SBIN0070115


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