We as a non profit organization is trying all possible ways to reduce air pollution by promoting solar panels to the maximum for producing electricity without pollution, especially a different type of solar roofing material which gives a better look than the other ordinary solar panels and also giving awareness to the government about the importance of solar thermal power stations instead of coal to produce electricity which will reduce air pollution to a great extent. Moreover we are also promoting machines to destroy agricultural waste which causes much carbon emissions out of burning waste.



It is our endeavor to reach out to the society at the grass root level by spreading this golden message of green revolution, to all classes of people without any discrimination of rich or poor, literate or illiterate, backward classer forward class, which is socially marginalized without knowing the luxury of enjoying a better life in a clean unpolluted healthy green environment that is free from suffocation and chronic respiratory diseases. We as a non profit organization do not merely believe in verbal preaching with words, but spreading our message of promoting a healthy green environment through our deeds. Team Green will be giving awareness about the importance of electric vehicles and the disadvantages of using petrol and diesel vehicles and make sure that this happens by the extreme depth of the project headed by the smart work of our social workers who are recognized as Team Green. It will be our obligation to the common man for cooperating with our efforts to fight air pollution which is the reason for millions of deaths all across the globe.



Vehicular pollution is the single biggest reason for deteriorating air quality, followed by coal firing power plants, burning of agricultural waste, felling of trees to widen roads, construction and so on. Team green will foresee these pollution issues and consider this movement as an initial step for enabling a healthy green environment. In the near future we are confident about the common man that their tip of the tongue will always be tempted to sound as “Lets Go Green'' the caption of Green Asian Voice, after experiencing a healthy difference from the present polluted situation which was gained out of the implementation of our green oriented projects promoted by our social workers known as Team Green. We genuinely feel that this is the greatest contribution that a non profit organization can do to save the precious lives of helpless innocent people from the attack of air pollution because we strongly believe that prevention is always better than cure. We are fully committed to show



It's shocking to know that 22 of the world's most polluted cities are in India where deadly polluted air and covid - 19 virus, the two giant killers who have many similarities between each other are putting millions of people at risk, just by breathing. Deadly peril is smothering our cities, killing four times as many people in one year than covid - 19. Across the world nearly nine million people died from air pollution in 2018, and in India, it claims the life of one child every three minutes. The peril is air pollution and the victims have died simply by breathing in the air around them. Fossil fuels are the source of toxic fug engulfing the cities. Greenhouse gas emissions from coal, oil and gas are simultaneously forcing global warming, while doing a hit and run number on city populations through the release of tiny poisonous particles which penetrate deep into the lungs leading to lung cancer, coronary heart disease, strokes and early death. The smallest particles are considered especially dangerous to human health because they get through many of our bodies' defences such as nose hair or mucus. With millions breathing deadly air that can kill anyone for which you have no control over it, the reality is very hard to grapple with.



It will be sooner the better because every moment, numerous precious lives of people are affected to a great extent by the drastic effects of air pollution. Let's tackle air pollution together and redouble our efforts to go for a green revolution. Over the last two hundred years humans have comprehensively demonstrated that they can change the climate and we have changed it for the worse by doing the wrong things. Now let’s show that we can change it for the better by going green in all the possible aspects that affect the life of the people and the environment as a whole. To fulfill the main objective of the organization, which is to reduce air pollution to the maximum, our studies have found that more pollution is caused by the extensive use of petrol, diesel and also the different methods of producing electricity. So our first step will be to replace these diesel and petrol vehicles with electric vehicles along with promoting customized solar panel designed roofing's and solar electricity in agriculture fields to produce electricity.



Green Asian Voice, as an international non profit organization conducts awareness programs to various concerned government departments for promoting mangrove forests to the maximum because effective action on climate change will require a combination of emissions and atmospheric carbon removals. Protecting, enhancing and restoring natural carbon sinks must become political priorities to fight climate change. Mangrove forests can play an important role in carbon removals because they are among the most carbon dense ecosystems. The mangrove forest soils act as long term carbon sinks. Actually carbon sequestration by mangrove is the amount of carbon that accumulates in wood or soils each year and remains stockpiled there when isolated from the atmosphere. .



The world's mangroves store 24 million metric tons of carbon in soil every year which is a great blessing for the universe but has to further increase in plenty. Sometimes deforestation makes the situation most pathetic where millions of metric tons of carbon emissions are released. Moreover mangroves also reduce flooding and erosion from storms and also filter pollutants from water. Mangroves have a big impact on climate and they are considered as power houses when it comes to carbon storage where most of this carbon is stored in the soil beneath the mangrove trees. So we feel that it's high time that several countries should take some major steps towards mangrove plantation to fight climate change effectively for absorbing the dangerous carbon emissions which are on the rise because global warming will naturally lead to rise in sea level. The monetary value of mangroves for the ecosystem services provided by the latter is unbelievable that it crosses trillions of dollars every year.



We sincerely welcome all socially committed citizens universally to join hands with your humble contributions as donations to fight against the greatest disaster of mankind which is air pollution and thereby save the millions of people who are losing their precious lives along with the billions of people who are struggling with chronic respiratory diseases every year, due to the disastrous effects of air pollution.

So let's decide today that my smallest contributions can change a disaster which the world is facing and there is no doubt that your life will become more meaningful and even your smallest effort will be a great contribution for the biggest change that the whole universe is thirsting. To know the intensity of the same we can categorically establish that air pollution is thousand times more problematic than the recent coronavirus pandemic which has shaken and shut the whole world for a considerable period of time.

Bank Name  : State Bank of India
Account Number  : 11330100106069
Account : Green Evangalisation Movement Council
Branch : Kanjirappally, Kottayam, Kerala
Type : Current Account
IFSC : SBIN0070115


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