GEM is glad to have this golden opportunity of promoting maximum electric vehicles instead of diesel vehicles because it automatically saves the lives of millions of people and further billions of people who are affected by chronic respiratory and other related diseases due to air pollution. Now the time has come to make things happen by promoting maximum electric vehicles for different fleet operators and individuals across the globe.


The only engine that really helps to reduce both carbon dioxide emissions , other poisonous chemicals and fine particle emissions, especially if powered by renewable energies, is the most Eco-friendly alternative called electric vehicles. We must keep in mind that electric vehicles are 100% green and that is the best way to reduce our environmental footprint on transportation.




As vehicular pollution is the single biggest reason for deteriorating air quality, the perfect remedy for the same is to promote the two available technologies that really help to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, other poisonous chemicals, fine particle emissions, especially if powered by renewable energies, are the most eco-friendly alternatives called hydrogen and electric vehicles. We must keep in mind that electric vehicles are 100% green and the best option to reduce our environmental footprint on transportation. Green Asian Voice feels the same and is fully committed to take vital steps for replacing the millions of petrol, diesel and CNG vehicles to electric vehicles, as the first major step towards enabling a healthy green environment which reduces air pollution to the maximum and thereby saving the lives of billions of people across the globe. Hydrogen, which is also the most eco-friendly alternative, can be used to power electric vehicles.



Green Asia with electric vehicles has been in the limelight for quite some time but the target is way too ambitious. Even with high investments, country policies and incentives, industry stalwarts explain that Asia still has a long way to go regarding the popularity of electric vehicles.

 With the help of the government and other promoters for the process, the Asian automobile industry is ready to take on the challenge in order to achieve maximum electric vehicles on the roads at the earliest. Electric vehicles in Asia have opened ample business opportunities for automobile companies within the country and across the globe. Volkswagen is going to establish the biggest electric car automobile manufacturing unit in China to produce more than half a million units in a year followed by almost all the automobile giants with their electric vehicle models. Above all Team green has taken it up as a global challenge to voice the same in the strongest way possible because it's a basic right and need of humanity to get clean air to breathe.



Now the stage is fully set to replace the millions of diesel and petrol vehicles especially the online cabs and three wheelers to electric vehicles which will be the real initial initiative for the multiplication of electric vehicles. It's because the real profit out of the electric vehicles can be exploited out of the online cab process because the latter is operated within a limited area and it's very easy to provide the necessary charging infrastructure within these areas. Moreover the vehicles can consistently run maximum kilometers daily because, the more the kilometers run, more will be the profit of the electric vehicles due to the huge savings of the amount spent for fuel in diesel and petrol vehicles.

Ordinary fleet operations with long distance trips will find it difficult initially to have charging options in the distant areas but Green Asian voice is confident about the online cab operations with electric vehicles because charging stations can be concentrated within the city limits itself where the cabs are under operation. So the online cab market is the best place for replacing diesel vehicles to electric vehicles because of its limited area of operation and the profitability in the process.




An online cab, whether it's a three wheeler or a four wheeler, attracts a good number of passengers in a day which varies from 25 to 30 people on an average which means nearly 1000 passengers are traveling every month in a single online cab. So millions of electric online cabs can create an opportunity for billions of citizens to feel the benefits of an electric vehicle much faster, by having a ride on it for the first time in their life because they have not experienced the feel of an electric vehicle before which satisfies the famous phrase that “seeing is believing. This will increase the private electric vehicle users also in the long run and that's the reason Team green is concentrating more on promoting online cab operations to the maximum. Moreover the cab operators will also be happy to make good profit out of online cab operations due to the absence of huge diesel expenses.



A good number of private customers who are affording to buy a vehicle for their personal use have almost purchased the same and they will think of replacement to electric cars after the prices are affordable in the future and also when the charging options are available in every nook and corner of this country or in the next stage of normal replacement of the vehicle after using for 5 or 6 years.

People are selfish about their personal gains only, rather than buying an electric vehicle to build a new green world. A cab owner is interested in the electric vehicle mainly because he feels that the profit will be huge when compared to a diesel vehicle because he is capable of running maximum kilometers as a cab and earning maximum too, rather than promoting a healthy green environment.

So there should be proper awareness among the public that there are valid profitable reasons to make a shift from the fuel powered vehicles to electric vehicles. Green Asian Voice is fully committed to fulfill this commitment for giving proper knowledge about the huge advantages of an electric vehicle and convince the people to make a positive decision that their next vehicle will be an electric vehicle or their first vehicle will be an electric vehicle.



The reality is that we are not calculating some regular expenses which we are spending but if you calculate the amount you have burned out for diesel or petrol vehicles in the past 10 years then the amount will be huge. If you have spent ₹ 1000/- daily for diesel or petrol continuously for 10 years then your total amount would have been nearly ₹ 36 lakhs which will be less than ₹ 5 lakhs for electric vehicles. The difference is so huge because there are no expenses for fuel in an electric vehicle but the negligible electricity cost only. So the fuel expense amount can be used for paying the EMI of an electric vehicle which actually adds to the value of the vehicle instead of the burned out money in a fuel powered vehicle.




The private customer should always think about the long run profits of buying an electric car and for an online cab operator, the electric vehicle will be the best source of his income in addition to his contribution for enabling a healthy green environment. Normally an online cab which is operated for two shifts will consume more than 20 liters of diesel which will be more than ₹ 2000 as of today and if it was an electric car the expenses would have been less than ₹.200. Moreover the electric vehicle without an engine, gearbox, oil, oil filter, vibrations and smoke is a long term investment because the latter is having much more resale value and longer life when compared to fuel powered vehicles with faster depreciation.



Our initial aim is to replace the millions of diesel online cabs which have increased to a great extent in the last decade. In India itself there are more than 2 million online cabs which have risen within the past decade itself and we make sure that this does not repeat in the next decade with diesel vehicles but with the replacement of electric vehicles. Replacement of diesel online cabs are done initially because these vehicles exhaust more dangerous emissions than private vehicles due to continuous trips with depreciating diesel engines during day and night. By doing so the private vehicle segment will also automatically switch on to electric vehicles. To promote this social cause we are also planning to increase charging infrastructure for electric vehicles from our side, apart from the respective government promotions for the same.

Even the supreme court of India had banned the diesel cabs in the Indian state capital for a certain period because of the increasing air pollution in cities and these millions of online cabs along with the burning of agricultural waste in the neighbouring states has made New Delhi as the most polluted city in the world. We are creating much awareness among the diesel cab owners about the huge savings of electric vehicles and also introducing fleet operational support for electric online cabs to promote the same. This will enable participation of people from all walks of life for joining the fight against air pollution by conducting promotional programs and schemes to convince these socially marginalized sectors to buy electric vehicles for operating as an online cab which is an effective means of prosperous living too.

This is a part of a larger conspiracy because the respective state and the central governments get an opportunity from petrol and diesel to collect maximum taxes from the public. Actually the billing price of Indian oil corporations to petrol bunks in India is less than half a dollar per liter but it is sold for more than a dollar which shows the huge volume of tax collected from every single liter of petrol and diesel consumed as excise duties and different government taxes under many heads. We as an organization after many studies cannot find any other serious reasons for purposeful silence about the slow poisoning which is happening from fuel powered vehicles. But now the governments are forced to implement many schemes to introduce electric vehicles with subsidies and also take other fruitful measures to produce electricity without pollution with the promotions of windmills, solar thermal power plants, solar panels and so on.

The Government of India collects almost 200% tax by selling maximum petrol and diesel where the actual cost of a litre of petrol is less than a dollar only but sold to the public for almost two times of the actual cost. As far as a government is concerned they can easily have a policy of implementing maximum charging stations wherever possible especially in all government offices, hotel parking areas, flats, invite private people to open charging stations with more incentives and promote the production of electric vehicles by adopting proportionate volume of electric vehicles for every petrol and diesel vehicle produced. Then the automobile companies themselves will promote electric vehicles to the maximum. Electric vehicle charging stations are not as complicated and expensive as petrol bunks but there should be a quick policy from the concerned governments for establishing maximum charging stations which is lacking.

The concerned governments have to control the production of new petrol and diesel vehicles and also reduce import duty of electric vehicles or promote vehicle manufacturers to the maximum by supporting them financially or otherwise to produce electric vehicles only. The governments can follow the Norway policy of making electric vehicles cheaper than petrol or diesel vehicles. This will force our customers to buy electric vehicles only and also enable our automobile manufacturers to produce electric vehicles with global standards. Government can also direct the automobile companies to impose a proportionate ratio for producing electric vehicles for every petrol and diesel vehicle manufactured but still lagging. The government should impose charging stations in all government offices, metro parkings, residential and commercial flats, highway side hotels etc but it is sad that the process is very slow. For name sake some tax exemptions have been made by central and state governments in recent times and we welcome that move also because it's always better to get something rather than nothing.

Norway, with the second longest coastline in the world behind Canada, may be feeling the pinch of rising sea levels. Norway has gone where no other democracy has gone with electric cars. It has made them more affordable than their gas counterparts and over time, that has made electric cars.The overwhelming majority of people purchasing electric vehicles say the number one reason is the economic factor and to be honest the second reason is the environment friendly aspect. Norway makes gas and diesel powered cars far more expensive than they are in other countries. Taxation on gas and diesel vehicles turns into incentives for electric vehicles, whether powered via batteries or fuel cells. Collectively these zero emission vehicles have no value added tax, which is 25% on gas and diesel vehicles. There is no registration tax on used car sales, no annual ownership tax, and no fuel tax. Road tolls are exempted, ferry fares are strongly reduced and much more promotions for electric vehicles in Norway. The policy of electric vehicles worked in Norway when the import tax was first abolished for electric vehicles. This is how people react to taxes in capitalism all over the world because if the product is very expensive, fewer people will buy it. Norway had done the opposite of what other countries did by making fuel powered vehicles more expensive and electric vehicles cheaper. It's high time that others have to follow the same path to save our planet from the disasters of air pollution.

India is consuming more than 1000 billion litres of diesel and 400 billion litres of petrol annually. Just imagine the huge amount of tax collected from each and every litre consumed and the amount of pollution that has put an end to millions of people. The governments have nothing to worry because most of the people will keep quiet, even though they notice this disaster as they are least cared about the environmental effects due to air pollution and also have adequate money to spend for diesel or petrol which is very easy for refilling and cannot take pain to charge electric vehicles which they feel as a burden but the sad thing is that their lives are also automatically affected. The poor people in India which are more than 50% do not have the voice to react about these dangerous facts which kill millions of innocent people every year. Nowadays battery price has also come down considerably and there is no reason from the government side to slow the process of promoting electric vehicles. They have to desperately make the  availability of electric vehicles for new buyers by stopping the production of diesel and petrol vehicles which is so dangerous for the people and the country as a whole.

Already millions of vehicles are there in the market and a gap of non availability of new vehicles is just a psychological gap but the reality is that it will not make any difference. Nothing negative will happen in a country if the production of petrol and diesel vehicles is stopped for a small gap to satisfy a noble cause, rather it will be the beginning of a new positive era. In such a situation, the automobile companies have no other option but to use all possible facilities in the world for producing electric vehicles according to global standards. But now a person buying a new petrol or diesel vehicle will think of replacing his car with an electric vehicle after 5 or 6 six years and sometimes after decades. By that time we could have saved millions of lives if there was no availability of petrol and diesel vehicles. Only good things will happen if such a thing happens now because we can save millions of innocent lives who die out of air pollution, especially children below the age of 5 and the struggling death of aged people above 60 years. Moreover respiratory diseases and cancer also can be minimized within a short span of time. If you are sleeping we can wake you up easily but if you are pretending to be sleeping, then it will be a difficult process to wake you up. Yes, the governments are pretending to be sleeping because they are well aware of the advantages of electric vehicles as well as the disasters of petrol and diesel vehicles but they still continue the same as a cunning luxury option of collecting maximum taxes from the poor innocent citizens by selling maximum fuel powered vehicles exhausting poisonous and most dangerous emissions by hurting millions.

The government can direct the financial institutions in a particular country to give good finance schemes with lesser interest rates and also more percentage of loans with lesser down payments for electric vehicles. As far as an online electric cab is concerned the concerned governments can direct the online companies to remit all the digital payments received as daily collections from the cab operations directly to the financed bank. Nowadays the cash payments are very less too and this amount can be used for daily expenses of drivers also. So the banks will be safe in getting their repayments promptly and safely. This will enable the poor and average drivers to buy electric vehicles and the banks will also be safe, which will enable them to give loans for electric cabs much easier without the risk of repayments. Moreover the import duty of electric vehicles should be minimised or the production of petrol or diesel vehicles should be stopped to give more importance to electric vehicles and thereby save millions of people in the country. If the government feels that it cannot stop the production of petrol or diesel vehicles, then they should make sure that petrol and diesel vehicles are more expensive than electric vehicles by further increasing the GST of fuel powered vehicles as in the case of Norway where electric vehicles are cheaper than other types of vehicles

The huge diesel costs have made the online cab operations more expensive and this resulted in default of monthly loan instalments. But this problem can be easily solved if we can avoid using diesel vehicles for cab operations because in electric vehicles, the huge oil and maintenance expenses can be saved and this paves way for the smooth repayment of vehicle loans easily. Moreover the low profile drivers who had purchased diesel cars have no other means to settle their loans, except the profit out of cab operations which has become negligible due to heavy fuel and maintenance expenses. Moreover the drivers will be tempted to deviate their taxi income for other urgent needs in the family or an unexpected accident will put a halt on their entire repayment schedules. There should be a professional management system of cab operations vested with good fleet companies where these problems do not normally arise.

We, as a nonprofit charitable organization, undertake this problem as a commitment to convince the financial institutions of a particular country about the huge savings in electric vehicles and motivate them to finance these vehicles by the best possible schemes available. We speak on behalf of the low profile people who are not well versed to describe the banking authorities and thereby strengthen the aim of our project of reducing air pollution to the maximum. Money spent for diesel or petrol will be more than enough for paying the equated monthly installments of an electric vehicle loan.

Of course there will be a risk in funding a diesel vehicle which is normally concentrating on cab services. But the story is completely different for the loans given for electric vehicles operating as online cabs because an amount of more than 600monthly will be saved from the fuel aspect itself. Also in electric vehicles the service expenses of changing oil and oil filter is not there, maintenance charges are also negligible and above all the road taxes are also completely exempted for electric vehicles in many countries. So the money saved is money earned and this paves way for easy repayment of loans along with a luxurious additional income also for the cab operators after all expenses. But the real tragedy was that the regular increase in price of diesel had become a nightmare for the cab operators and this resulted in default of loan repayments and banks lost the confidence in funding diesel cabs. But there are very attractive loan schemes for electric vehicles termed as green loans in most of the countries with lesser interest rates and longer duration.

Introducing maximum electric vehicles in a country is the initial positive step for reducing air pollution to the maximum and if other nations follow the same, it becomes a global contribution for reducing the effect of air pollution. When electricity is generated from combustion sources, electric vehicles have a net positive impact on air quality and climate change. Electric vehicle adoptions reduce carbon emissions and have the added benefit of reducing air pollutants, thereby improving public health. Electric vehicles can help keep your town and your world clean. In general, electric vehicles produce negligible emissions that contribute to climate change more than conventional vehicles. To be honest electric vehicles are a reason to save the lives of innocent people affected by air pollution but diesel or petrol vehicles are like demons who are the carriers of disasters especially to tiny children below the age of five and the old aged people beyond 60 years by slowly suffocating them to death or long living respiratory diseases resulted out of air pollution. We know that in the recent coronavirus pandemic also, these two sectors, the children and the old aged had to take special precautions because the cases are almost the same in the case of disasters due to air pollution also where the respiratory system is affected more.

There are two general categories of vehicle emissions namely direct emissions and life cycle emissions. Direct emissions are emitted through the tailpipe as evaporation from the fuel system and during the fueling process. Direct emissions include smog forming pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, other pollutants harmful to human health, and greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide. All electric vehicles produce zero direct emissions, which specifically helps to improve air quality in urban areas. If we compare electric vehicles to other conventional petrol or diesel vehicles, there are disadvantages only for the latter and the most positive life saving advantages for electric vehicles.

Life cycle emissions include all emissions related to fuel and vehicle production, processing, distribution, use, recycling and disposal. For example, for a conventional gasoline vehicle, emissions are produced when petroleum is extracted from the ground, refined to gasoline, distributed to stations, and burned in vehicles. Like direct emissions, life cycle emissions include a variety of harmful pollutants and greenhouse gases. All vehicles produce substantial life cycle emissions but electric vehicles typically produce negligible life cycle emissions than conventional vehicles because most emissions are lower for electricity generation than burning gasoline or diesel. Electric vehicles cannot be even compared to fuel powered vehicles because there is a day and night difference between the two in terms of dangerous emissions where petrol and diesel vehicles are manufactured mainly for polluting the air through its poisonous emissions by killing innocent people but electric vehicles are born to save the lives of the people without hindering a healthy green environment.

We are aiming to concentrate more on installing an electric vehicle charging station in hotel compounds situated in the highway road sides, having a good restaurant with adequate parking facilities. This will enable the passenger to have their breakfast, meals, dinner or a time pass with snacks during the charging duration. Many income related factors together like identity of hotels, electricity unit incentives, more hotel sales, charging station rent and above all an opportunity to encourage a social cause of promoting a green environment will naturally motivate the hotel management to demand for more charging units in one particular hotel itself. Moreover an alert will be made on the Smartphone about the nearest charging station, along with the busy or available status. In addition to hotels, normal paid parking areas which include mall parking, residential and commercial flats, independent charging stations like ordinary petrol bunks etc are also perfect places for installing charging stations. Above all pollution can be reduced to a great extent if the government vehicles are completely replaced with electric and all the government establishments have charging stations.

It's not compulsory that you should do the full charging at one time itself but it's always better to complete your full charge at one stretch itself when you are charging from your residence because you can enjoy your trip further without any charging hindrances for a considerable distance and that too more economically. Normally it takes very less time to get 80% charged and it's also advisable to do so in the middle of your trips for saving your precious time on the way rather than trying for a full charge. If you have enough charge to reach your house which has a proper charging facility, then the best option is to avoid charging on the way. It's always better to charge your electric vehicle by using home chargers because the life of batteries will be much more while charging in AC current used in residences than DC charging in public charging stations. Moreover, it's more economical to use home chargers for charging where the charging expenses can be very less and paid along with normal electricity charges which happens once in two months normally. Apart from the life of the batteries, the charging expenses will be much more in public charging stations. Always bear in mind that an electric vehicle should not take the risk of running on a very low charge for the battery because if the charge is completely over, there is no other option but to tow the vehicle to the nearest charging station like a truck equipped to hoist and pull wrecked cars which is pathetic and expensive too.

When you purchase an electric vehicle you will get the whole details and the Google location of the charging stations in a particular district and the state as a whole, along with the current status of charging units which are not busy at your location. Moreover you will get an alert about the available charging stations when you are about to pass that particular place. Even though you get all the details of the charging stations, it's always better to complete the initial charging from your residence itself and use the other charging options during long trips only. This will save your precious time as well as money also because the commercial charging rates will be more. The charging stations are on the rise gradually but there will be dramatic increase in the electric vehicle charging stations in the near future and we take it as a challenge to promote maximum charging stations possible because this is the basic necessity of an electric vehicle which leads to the initial step of reducing air pollution which saves the lives of millions and also the planet as a whole. More charging stations will naturally boost the confidence of the people to opt for electric vehicles.

The screen on the dashboard of all electric vehicles will surely display the number of kilometers you can run further and also the available charging percentage of your battery which makes you comfortable to very well decide and plan accordingly. When you buy an electric vehicle, always make sure that the vehicle has these basic features and also it's better to buy a long battery range vehicle to enjoy your journey without charging tensions. The electric vehicle should be considered as a long term investment, because the resale value and life of the vehicle will be much more than the ordinary petrol or diesel vehicles. The amount spent for huge diesel and petrol which is burned out by poisonous carbon and other dangerous emissions can be used as a savings amount to pay EMI of a more costlier electric vehicle which later becomes an asset rather than liability which you normally experience for a petrol or diesel vehicle where the depreciation is too high.

It's always better to make maximum charging from your home itself because the electricity charges will be much cheaper than the commercial rates which will be more than double. Normally it will be advisable to charge your vehicle during the night which will automatically become a daily routine because you don't have to worry about the distance range of your vehicle battery. But always make sure that you fix a fast charging option in your residence itself, which makes charging so easy with a maximum charging time of 2 hours. The expenses for this fast charger should be considered as the initial purchase price of the vehicle itself because the ordinary charging time varies from 6 to 10 hours normally, which depends on the capacity of the battery. Always consider the fast charging kit as an essential part of the electric vehicle rather than considering it as an optional accessory. Battery is considered as the heart of the vehicle and charging will be the most important aspect as far as an electric vehicle is concerned. So there should not be any idea of saving certain important aspects as fast chargers in electric vehicles but normally most of the electric vehicle price is included with fast chargers also. Moreover the life of the battery will be the maximum if you charge your battery in your residence itself which has AC current rather than using public fast charging stations with DC current which will reduce the life of your battery. There should be a three phase electricity connection in your residence for installing a fast charger.

Normally the battery of an electric vehicle will be given an 8 years warranty or 1.5 million kms whichever is earlier and it can be used further with some minor repairs comfortably for another 5 years Even a replacement of battery after the warranty period will not be a costly affair because after a decade the cost of the batteries will come down considerably and you can even fix a more powerful battery with a longer range in the future. Moreover there is very less tendency to use a particular vehicle nowadays for more than 5 years but the life of an electric vehicle is almost treble than that of other conventional petrol or diesel vehicles because of the long life of the batteries, absence of diesel or petrol engines, gearbox and so on. Moreover the use of proper fast chargers for recharging will also increase the life of batteries. Normally the fast charger is an additional accessory of an electric vehicle but its always advisable to own a fast charger at the time of purchase but there is a tendency to save the cost by depending on the normal home chargers available along with the cost of the vehicle and start complaining about the difficulty in charging. So always make sure that a fast charger is always a necessity for the smooth functioning of an electric vehicle.

There is no engine and gearbox in a pure electric vehicle, which makes the latter an automatic transmission car. This makes it easy for the freshers to use the car more efficiently without much fear of driving because of the absence of gear and other complications you feel in a normal diesel or petrol vehicle. In an electric vehicle the battery is considered as the engine of the vehicle which will be connected into a motor. The absence of these vital aspects like fuel powered engines and gearbox makes the electric vehicle more effective in terms of pollution, depreciation and also the monetary benefit in its operations. In addition to that the electric vehicles are absolutely free from noise pollution and vibrations which you feel in other fuel powered vehicles,which also adds to the reason of less depreciation when compared to others

The most important advantage of an electric vehicle is the huge resale value when compared to other vehicles. This is mainly because the electric vehicles do not use oil or any fuels to make any harmful or poisonous exhaust that normally comes out of the huge diesel and petrol engines which makes more depreciation for the fuel powered vehicles. Actually the diesel and petrol engines depreciate on a daily basis and the vibrations of these engines make the whole vehicle weaken considerably and result in very less resale value when compared to electric vehicles. Apart from that, the long life of the batteries which gets a warranty for almost 8 years along with the negligible maintenance cost due to the absence of huge diesel or petrol engines, gear box, oil and oil filters, will naturally enable the pure electric vehicles to have much more resale value than that of a fuel powered vehicle. You can never imagine to get such a long warranty for fuel powered engines but a battery which is considered as the heart of an electric vehicle is getting an unbelievable warranty period. Even a replacement of battery after the warranty period will not be a costly affair, as the cost of the batteries after a decade will come down considerably and you can even fix a more powerful battery with a longer range in the future more cheaply and this is also a reason for the increase in resale value of an electric vehicle. In a fuel powered vehicle there is no option to replace the engine of the vehicle which will be depreciated to the maximum over a short period of time, where it's not worth and practical to replace it with a new engine.

These vehicles are termed as hybrids, which will be having a fuel powered engine along with a powerful battery which will be recharged automatically while running on petrol or diesel engines. The technology of these cars are extremely different but these vehicles are not in the category of zero emissions but it extends the mileage of the fuel with the help of a battery installed in the vehicle. We don't entertain hybrid vehicles although there is no burden of charging batteries because the pollution from these vehicles are almost the same and the cost of the vehicle is more expensive too. Most of the automobile companies have hybrid models but have not become popular like the normal petrol and diesel vehicles, even though it is cost effective in operations. We also strongly believe that any new concept to replace petrol and diesel vehicles will highlight more on the pollution factor rather than any other aspect and that may be the reason for less importance to hybrid vehicles and more value for electric vehicles.

Nearly 50% of the air pollution is caused out of poisonous exhaust and carbon emissions from diesel and petrol vehicles. This percentage is so huge that it kills millions of people all over the globe and also results in dangerous climate changes like rise in sea level, thunder storms, floods, earthquakes and so on. Apart from all these disasters, the most important factor is that air pollution is the reason for billions of people suffering from severe respiratory diseases and certain chemicals which come out of these exhaust emissions causes cancer too. Actually the volume of these deaths are so huge when compared to other recent dangerous pandemics like coronavirus and so on but the respective governments are least concerned about this huge disaster because petrol and diesel are the most cunning way of income source for governments. As it has been prevailing for decades, this disaster of air pollution was not addressed globally as a destruction to the whole world by the respective governments but as a gift of improving the economy by collecting more taxes from its huge consumption. Oil, which is available cheaply as a natural resource in few countries, has no obligation towards promoting a healthy green environment which was proved by their backing out strategy from the Paris agreement that stands for reducing air pollution.

We as a non profit organization is trying all possible ways to reduce air pollution by promoting solar panels to the maximum for producing electricity without pollution, especially a different type of customised solar roofing structure which gives a better look than the other ordinary solar panels and also giving awareness to the government about the importance of solar thermal power stations instead of coal to produce electricity that reduces air pollution to a great extent. Moreover we are also promoting machines to destroy agricultural waste which causes much carbon emissions out of burning waste. Another important aspect is to find a solution for replacing poisonous petrol and diesel vehicles with electric and hydrogen powered vehicles as we promote certain multinational companies who are taking vital steps for producing hydrogen powered pollution free vehicles. Although there are a lot of financial constraints and limitations, we give awareness about the importance of introducing hydrogen ships by finding global investors for the same because the huge pollution from certain ships will be almost equal to the pollution generated from 50 million diesel or petrol vehicles. Carbon emissions can be very much controlled by planting mangrove trees also by the concerned governments where these trees absorb carbon to a very great extent.

The electric vehicle adoption which actually matters for the environment, would improve overall air quality level and lower carbon emissions. The differences in air pollution generated from battery powered electric vehicles versus internal combustion engines found that even when their electricity is generated from combustion sources, electric vehicles have a net positive impact on air quality and climate change. To quantify the differences between the two types of vehicles, the researchers used an emissions remapping algorithm and air quality model simulations. They used these methods to closely examine two pollutants related to automobiles and power emissions which is ozone and particulate matter. More vehicles that transitioned to electric power, the better for ozone levels. No matter how the power is generated, the more combustion vehicles you take off the road, the better the ozone quality.

When the Online cab market became a big boom in the past decade, millions of online cabs have been invested into the market. But the huge diesel expenses which were increasing considerably was the real constraint behind the struggle of this online taxi project. In the year 2020- 2021 itself more than ₹ 30 has been increased for a litre of diesel in India. Normally an online taxi operating in two shifts consumes more than 20 litres of diesel daily which means an extra expense of ₹ 600 per day and that will be ₹ 220000/- in a year. If this trend continues there will be another ₹ 30 increase in the next two years also and if that is the case an online taxi having a five year loan will have an extra diesel price increase burden of nearly ₹ 15 lakhs. So we can just imagine the extent of loss a diesel online taxi owner has to suffer at present. But now the electric vehicle is a new boost to the millions of drivers and cab owners because the diesel expenses are almost completely reduced by the electric vehicles and the profitability of the process has become a big relief for the common man which automatically removes poverty to a great extent. But in the case of a diesel vehicle with two shift operations, there will be nearly 1000as monthly expenses for oil, diesel and maintenance but in the case of an electric vehicle, the expenses for charging the battery will amount to a maximum of 200in a month which is a huge difference. Apart from the drivers expenses there will not be any other major expenses for an electric vehicle because the maintenance is almost negligible due to the absence of gearbox, oil, oil filter, depreciative and vibrative diesel engines. So this huge difference in diesel expenses and maintenance cost will naturally increase the profit margin of electric vehicles to a great extent and naturally becomes a tool to remove the poverty of millions who depend on online cab operations.

Although the main aim of introducing electric vehicles is to reduce air pollution for saving the millions of people losing their lives tragically and also to protect the environment from the dangerous effects of climate changes, an online electric cab will also be a source of prosperous income for millions of people across the globe. Normally the online cab is operated by 2 shift drivers during day and night which can run a minimum of 200 - 250 kms daily. This automatically fetches a monthly collection of more than 1500 in a month. Apart from the drivers expenses there will not be any other major expenses for an electric vehicle where the fuel expenses itself will be nearly 1000for diesel vehicles. Moreover the maintenance cost is almost negligible due to the absence of vibrative diesel engines, gearbox, oil, oil filter and so on. Our mission is to replace the taxi segment vehicles, both three wheelers and four wheelers to electric initially because these diesel online cabs with continuous trips and depreciated diesel engines result in more pollution than private vehicles. In the last decade millions of diesel online cabs have been on roads and we will take all possible steps to avoid repeating the same in the coming decade with diesel vehicles but with electric online cabs.

As far as an online cab is concerned, charging will not be a burden or problem at all but it will be a herculean task for very long distance fleet operations. In the case of online cabs, the change of drivers shift will be an opportunity to fully recharge the battery within 2 hours which will be done by a fast charger installed by the organization, government and private vendors within the area of online cab operations of a particular city. Normally the online cabs operating in two shifts will be online for almost 20 hours and three to four hours will be halted in any case which makes the charging aspect as a normal process during intervals. As the online cab operations are concentrated in a particular area within the city limits and not in distant areas like other long distance ordinary fleet operations, the charging facilities have to be arranged in several points within the limited area of operations. This makes a smooth charging atmosphere for these vehicles which is the most important factor for electric online cab operations.

For the smooth and effective operation of an online electric cab, the battery capacity of the vehicle should be at least 45 KW which can run a minimum of 250 - 300 kms from a single recharge. This will enable the electric vehicle to travel without any charging hindrances in a particular day which is so crucial for cab operations. There will be a 2 hour halt normally available in the middle of the two shift cab operations which is the normal time taken by a fast charging option to fully recharge the battery. This will make the electric cab fully capable to run the next 250 kms without any break or further charging. So both the charging infrastructure and the battery range of the vehicle should go hand in hand to generate maximum output from the advantage of an electric vehicle. Now the global battery rates have come down considerably which enables the common man to afford buying a long battery range vehicle with maximum savings in addition to the valuable contribution of promoting a healthy green environment. Moreover 80% of the battery will be charged within a very short span of time which will be more than enough for travelling considerable distance.

The biggest benefit is that electric vehicles do not cause any air pollution because of zero carbon and other poisonous emissions which are normally exhausted from diesel and petrol vehicles. This saves the lives of thousands of people who are losing their precious life out of air pollution in a particular city and more than a million of yearly deaths in countries like India, China and so on. Moreover the millions of people suffering from chronic respiratory and cancer diseases which are caused by the dangerous poisonous emissions, mainly from the transportation sector can also be minimized to the maximum. Apart from that online electric cabs will be a main source of income for millions of people across the globe and we take all possible measures to support and ensure the same. Moreover the depreciation is very less for an electric vehicle which leads to more resale value and much more life than the petrol and diesel vehicles.In addition to that the driving comfort without engines and gearboxes  with negligible noise and vibration is also a big advantage for electric vehicles.

An electric vehicle charging expense depends on the basic capacity of different batteries available in electric vehicles but normally it consumes 50 units of electricity for running 300 kms. In India one unit of electricity costs nearly ₹ 3 for domestic purposes as the lowest slab and the highest slab will be almost equal to the commercial rates which is ₹ 7 for commercial purposes. So the cost of 50 units will be almost ₹ 350/- for running 300 Kms which is almost equal to one Indian rupee per kilometer for running an electric vehicle which will be more than ₹ 5 for running a kilometer in diesel vehicles. This is a huge difference when compared to the fuel expenses of a diesel or petrol vehicle when calculated for 250 - to 300 Kms daily. This huge profit of electric vehicles can be used as a value added income by using part of this profit as a loan repayment amount which will later lead to the value of the vehicle. The electric vehicle has very less depreciation and can easily be used for the next 15 years due to the absence of fuel and vibrative engines but the huge expense spent for diesel or petrol in fuel powered vehicles is burned out as polluted poisonous waste which is killing and hurting millions of people, worse than a ruthless war or a pandemic.

The cost of batteries was very expensive till recent times which proved unaffordable for the common man to own an electric vehicle. But now the cost of batteries has come down considerably and moreover the establishment of charging stations also had plenty of constraints before but the process is not much expensive and complicated nowadays. Above all, in recent times the voice against air pollution has become a big storm in many countries with many organisations starting maximum awareness programs of air pollution disasters, dangerous effects of climate change and also strong agitations against the governments for neglecting the importance of taking necessary steps to reduce this global disaster of air pollution. In addition to this the respective governments enjoy the advantage of collecting exorbitant taxes from the heavy consumption of petrol and diesel which continues in full flow, even now

Now most of the governments universally have understood the importance of electric vehicles, disasters of air pollution, drastic effects of climate changes and so on, which has led to many unbelievable tax exemptions for electric vehicles. In India the GST rates have been reduced considerably along with complete waving of life time road tax for some states which amounts to more than 15% of the cost of the vehicle. There is also a huge promotion for electric vehicle loans where it is termed as green loans in many countries and the manufacturers have also been given huge subsidies under various schemes to encourage maximum production of electric vehicles. Moreover the government of India has imposed green number plates for electric vehicles as a symbol of promoting a healthy green environment and also as a positive message for avoiding fuel powered vehicles to the maximum and its high time to go green.

Recently the look and feel of the vehicles on the road have changed dramatically with the introduction of electric vehicles as a symbol of promoting green environment and a fight against air pollution to save the lives of innocent citizens across the country and to protect our universe from the adverse effects of climate change disasters. Green number plates can be considered as a welcome promotional move of government response for promoting a healthy green environment by the introduction of electric vehicles to the maximum which will be an initial positive step to provide justice for both the people and the universe as a sincere fight against air pollution globally. The digital communication developments and movements have made a global unity in many aspects, especially after the coronavirus pandemic. In India there will be white letters in green boards for private vehicles and yellow letters in green boards for taxi vehicles.

Now electric vehicles are available from 15000 onwards but it's always better to buy a long battery range vehicle for smooth taxi operations, even though it's a little more costlier. The huge profit margin when compared to conventional diesel vehicles can easily afford long battery range vehicles of even 20 000 also for fleet operations. The huge diesel price which is more than a dollar in India, will force the cab operators to buy electric vehicles nowadays and the latter's decision can be justified because the huge amount spent for oil expenses can be used for paying the EMI of an electric vehicle loan which automatically adds to the value of vehicle in the long run instead of the amount spend for diesel that is burned out as polluted emissions. In India there are more than 2 million diesel vehicles operating as online cabs within the last decade and we cannot allow another decade to repeat the online cab operations with diesel vehicles but with electric vehicles.

Now it's the perfect time to own an electric vehicle because our money saved is equal to money earned. If you spent 10 USD a day for diesel continuously for 10 years, the amount is nearly 3 million USD. We are not actually calculating the huge amount spent for dangerous and poisonous fuels like petrol and diesel because it normally happens as a daily routine.

If you really want to save your country and be honest to your citizens, then the best patriotic deed you can do today is to buy an electric vehicle instead of petrol and diesel vehicles and join hands to promote a green movement of saving the lives of millions across the country affected by air pollution rather than being selfish enough to be a part of spreading poisonous emissions. Always consider the purchase of an electric vehicle as a long term investment because the life and resale value of electric vehicles is very much more than the normal petrol or diesel vehicles because of the absence of depreciative and vibrative elements like engines, gearbox and so on

Actually there is no need for too many charging stations for private electric vehicles. If the electric vehicle is having 300- 350 kms of battery range, then there is no need for charging stations because in most of the cases 90% trips will be concentrated within this battery range only. Then the need for a public charging station is not needed for these private vehicle owners who have the necessary facilities in their residence for charging. Now most of the governments have realized the disaster of diesel and petrol vehicles. India, China and Japan have already started thousands of charging stations across the country which especially suits people residing in cities and for online cab operations but not for long distance journeys. In the case of electric vehicles for private use, home chargers available along with the vehicle, will serve the purpose by using your sleeping time at night to fully recharge your vehicle. Moreover the latest fast chargers available will complete your charging within 2 hours. As far as an online cab is concerned, the operations are concentrated within a specific city area limits and this will make charging much easier. We as a non profit organisation aiming to reduce air pollution by all means recognize that charging stations are the most vital requirements for online cab operations in the mind of the people. We are responsible and fully committed to promote the vital aspect of charging requirements for electric vehicles which are operating as online cabs.

Setting up public charging stations shall be delicensed and any individual is free to set them up, provided the stations meet standards of the power industry. The person should apply for connectivity and the distribution company is bound to provide connectivity. Electric vehicle charging stations will be more profitable and less expensive than opening a normal petrol pump. A small 25KW charging station can be installed at a total expense of nearly 15000 USD and a 50 KW charging station will have a total expense of about 25 000 USD. Compared to the normal petrol bunks, this is very less expensive and also you can install more charging units in the same place itself which will increase your profit margin considerably. Lack of awareness and the lesser number of electric vehicles on the roads makes it hidden from the business community about the success of opening an electric vehicle charging station. All formalities required to start an electric vehicle charging station will be guided by us with essential information because we are committed to take necessary steps for installing maximum charging stations without any hassles.

Utility rates and tariffs determine charging station profits or losses. Profitable charging stations with reasonable utility costs, can expand and drive a greater buildout of vehicle charging infrastructure. The profit of the electric vehicle charging stations depend on the volume of electricity units consumed from the particular charging station where the incentives will be calculated on the amount decided for operators from every unit of electricity consumed. Normally thousands of units will be consumed everyday and this will give a good monthly income which will be increasing day by day because the number of electric vehicles are also on the rise. Moreover long battery range electric vehicles with more than 350 kms are also increasing considerably and this will also boost the income of electric vehicle charging stations. The main aim of our organization is to establish more charging stations across a particular country because maximum charging facilities available for the common man, more will be the number of electric vehicles into the market and lesser will be the deaths caused out of air pollution.

Normally an online cab is operated by two shift drivers during day and night with a consumption of more than 20 litres of diesel everyday. This means an increase of ₹ 30 per litre of diesel which has occurred during the recent coronavirus pandemic in India will become an extra expense of ₹ 600 everyday. So it will automatically become an extra expense of ₹ 1 80 000 yearly. Diesel online cabs are easily operated for a minimum period of five years with the same vehicle due to the absence of long distance trips and when this yearly extra expense is calculated for almost 5 years, the loss will be nearly ₹ 9 lakh Indian rupees as of today. When we calculate the increase in oil prices for the next 2 years then the loss will shoot up to more than ₹ 15 lakhs which is unbelievable. So electric cabs are the only option for online cab operations in the future and we are introducing all possible measures to convey this good news to maximum citizens of a particular country to buy electric vehicles for private use as well as online cab operations and thereby promote a healthy green environment, which will be the initial step of fighting against the disasters of air pollution.

Another huge advantage of electric vehicles over the fuel powered vehicles is the safety aspect. There are no dangerous fuel tanks which store hundreds of litres to cause explosions during accidents. Electric vehicles are safer due to the lower flammability of batteries. Incidents of issues with electric vehicles are far less than gasoline vehicles. According to a study in the United states there are more than fifty thousand vehicle fires in gasoline vehicles as to negligible figures for electric vehicles. Moreover the electric vehicles have more control by the driver over the vehicle because of the absence of powerful fuel engines and over speed gears but the overall performance of an electric vehicle is the same in terms of speed or power when compared between each other.

Electric vehicles are available even for 15000 which is suitable for private users with less trips. But the situation is totally different for an online electric cab. If you want to buy an electric vehicle for generating maximum income out of online cab operations, the battery range of the vehicle should have a minimum of 300 kms from a single recharge. Don't ever think or hesitate that these long battery range vehicles are really costly because the cost can be easily covered by the huge amount saved for buying fuel in diesel vehicles. Considering these basic facts and your social commitment, it's the perfect time to start buying an electric vehicle for cab operations as well as for private use also and thereby promote a healthy green environment in addition to the huge savings from the electric vehicles.

Electric vehicles will definitely be a new revolution on the roads because it acts as the real weapon for the fight against air pollution as well as a measure for removing global poverty for the common man. There is no alternative for electric vehicles in the world which gives zero carbon and poisonous emissions. Apart from being a medicine for air pollution and climate change, electric vehicles are a dream alternative as far as savings is concerned because it has a huge difference in using electricity as an alternative for expensive petrol and diesel in fuel powered vehicles.

Hydrogen powered vehicles are also an alternative for electric vehicles which have zero carbon emissions and other poisonous gases which normally generate from fuel powered vehicles but the cost for the hydrogen powered vehicles are too high when compared to electric vehicles. As of today and in the coming decades, electric vehicles will be the only option for the common man to fight against air pollution from the transportation sector

Most of the automobile giants have already launched their electric vehicle models into the Indian market like Mercedes Benz with EQC, Jaguar with i PACE, Morris Garage with MG electric, Tata with nexon, Tesla, Volkswagen models coming soon, Hyundai with Kona, Mahindra with verito, Nissan with leaf and so on. Some of the recent electric vehicles launched by automobile giants like Mercedes Benz, Jaguar and Morris Garage are outstanding electric vehicles with much longer battery range beyond 400 kms for a single charge and exquisite stylish designs too. Now most of the automobile companies in the world are concentrating on launching their electric models to survive in the market. The automobile companies have no option whatsoever but to start the production of electric vehicles at the earliest. Now the world as a whole and even the respective governments have become conscious about the disasters of fossil fuels resulting in massive air pollution leading to climate changes.

Even electric three wheelers have launched into the Indian market and we as a non profit making organization feels that the crores of three wheelers are the greatest number of diesel and petrol vehicles in most of the Asian countries and this has to be replaced at the earliest as a initial move to make a change in the transportation sector. This will be an initial move to reduce air pollution because it will be the lowest price electric vehicle available in a country for cab operations targeting the common man and the latter will also get an opportunity to travel in an electric vehicle along with huge savings for those who are concentrating on three wheeler cab operations. Our organization even acts as a facilitator to promote the weaker sections of the society for exploiting maximum income for their livelihood from these low cost electric three wheelers by undertaking all the processes involved in operating a three wheeler online cab and also reducing the burden involved in these cab operations. This paves way for the registered owner of a three wheeler cab to enjoy maximum profit out of the operations without knowing the hurdles involved whatsoever.

Demo income for the registered owner of an electric vehicle is a part of the awareness program promoted by the organisation where your electric vehicle can be given for demonstration purposes during your free time to the social workers of the organization near your place of residence. The vehicle should be given with enough battery charge and a driver to the organization and this will be a bonus income for the electric vehicle owners in addition to the huge savings of avoiding petrol and diesel.

There are many factors to be convinced for the common man to get more awareness of electric vehicles like absence of fuel powered engines, gear box, sound factor, smoke, vibration, normal number plates and many more. These vehicles can be attached to the slot available in an application where the number of days allotted in a month for each pincode can be known very easily. The terms and conditions for these demonstration vehicles can be known clearly by interacting with your registered social worker in your locality.


We sincerely welcome all socially committed citizens universally to join hands with your humble contributions as donations to fight against the greatest disaster of mankind which is air pollution and thereby save the millions of people who are losing their precious lives along with the billions of people who are struggling with chronic respiratory diseases every year, due to the disastrous effects of air pollution.

So let's decide today that my smallest contributions can change a disaster which the world is facing and there is no doubt that your life will become more meaningful and even your smallest effort will be a great contribution for the biggest change that the whole universe is thirsting. To know the intensity of the same we can categorically establish that air pollution is thousand times more problematic than the recent coronavirus pandemic which has shaken and shut the whole world for a considerable period of time.

Bank Name  : State Bank of India
Account Number  : 11330100106069
Account : Green Evangalisation Movement Council
Branch : Kanjirappally, Kottayam, Kerala
Type : Current Account
IFSC : SBIN0070115


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