The air pollution issue is still a bit more complex than what we have been experiencing earlier as the fuel powered vehicles are increasing in millions annually. Firstly because the technologies of these petrol and diesel engines and the standards that go along with them evolve fast. Secondly, the petrol and diesel vehicles are often quite different, both in their structures and in their uses.



Climate change is the biggest threat we face and if we don’t tackle it, the consequences are grim. Team green is all set to accept this reality and fight against this global disaster. The three most important things we can do is to stop the main activities that cause air pollution, enhance our resilience to its effects and voice about it to the maximum. We as a non profit organization focusing to promote the movement of green revolution is concentrating on these three vital factors to tackle climate change. Climate change is something to see how serious people are about it and it's so sad to see how most people react. It’s a bit like sustainable development in which many people quietly glaze over and don’t care. But please don’t neglect it because the consequences are so serious beyond words. Climate change isn’t just words but it's a real fact and man made climate change resulting from air pollution caused mainly by the poisonous emissions of fuel powered vehicles and coal firing power generation is really a very scary thing. Adding to the drastic effects of climate change, it causes volcanic eruptions and dust storms where the sand dust storms are particularly concerning.



The rise in global temperature over the last several decades is a matter of public record. There is an overwhelming scientific consensus that it can only be explained by one thing, which is the rise in greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activities, especially the carbon and other poisonous emissions. We have indeed had naturally occurring climate change since the earth was formed and none of the natural causes of climate variation such as the sun’s output, the tilt of the earth, volcanic activity or emissions from rotting vegetation, can account for the warming we observe today. The current disaster is mainly caused by the emissions from fossil fuels caused by human activities over the last two hundred years. The concentrations of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere have increased by nearly 30% since the beginning of the industrial revolution and the huge increase in the number of petrol and diesel vehicles along with some other factors also is causing air pollution that results in climate changes. This records the fastest time for rise in global temperatures because the volume of pollution increases much more rapidly than expected.



The real truth is that climate change is not only causing global warming but it is quickly speeding up. The 20 warmest years on record have all come out of the previous 2 decades. Last 10 years were the warmest years in this decade, which is recorded as the hottest years and it has grown hotter to such an extent that even the icebergs started melting in the arctic ocean. The year 2020 has recorded the hottest days and this should be treated as a warning that air pollution is rising beyond the most dangerous levels. Millions of people are already losing their precious lives due to air pollution disasters and if the air gets polluted further, the number of deaths will also increase considerably.



The environment suffered badly with numerous species, habitats, birds, trees and aquatic life by the developing extreme hot conditions and high demand for water. The environment agency responded to a massive increase in drought related incidents where even the fishes are struggling due to low river flows and low oxygen. This is not happening every year but if this increasing trend of pollution continues, then it will happen more frequently and it will further worsen. After some years it is likely that there won’t be anything exceptional about winters like the one we experience now. There will be drastic changes in climate for the coming years, as it is becoming hotter and hotter day by day. So let's decide now that climate change is a real disaster which affects everyone and everything. We should soon join hands above our selfish goals by acting together to reduce air pollution at the earliest. Team green is deeply committed to bring a healthier green environment than ever before by promoting electric vehicles to replace petrol and diesel vehicles, along with solar panels to the maximum as the initial positive step to fight against air pollution which causes disasters all around us.



Climate change is the product of air pollution which describes a change in the average conditions such as temperature and rainfall in a region over a long period of time. For example thousands of years ago much of the United States was covered in glaciers but today there is a warmer climate and fewer glaciers. Global climate change refers to the average long term changes over the entire earth which include warming temperatures and changes in precipitation, as well as the effects of earth’s warming. Scientists have observed earth’s surface is warming and many of the warmest years on record have happened in the past 20 years and this is basically due to the rise of air pollution day by day.



Air pollution is so powerful that it affects each and every concept of the universe both in terms of humans and the planet as a whole that results in climate changes which automatically leads to rise in sea levels. Shrinking mountain glaciers makes ice melt at a faster rate than usual in Greenland, Antarctica and the Artic which makes changes in flower and plant blooming times. Earth’s climate has constantly been changing, even long before humans came into the picture. However, scientists have observed unusual changes recently. For example, earth’s average temperature has been increasing much more quickly than they would expect over the past 100 years. This worrying factor is happening due to the uncontrollable air pollution affecting our planet. Rise in sea level is so serious that it automatically immerses our main cities in the seashore and places below the sea level across the globe, killing billions of people universally.



Some parts of earth are warming faster than others but on an average, global air temperatures near earth's surface have gone up about 2 degrees Fahrenheit in the past 100 years. In fact, the past five years have been the warmest five years in centuries. Many people, including scientists, are concerned about this warming because when earth’s climate continues to be warm, the intensity and amount of rainfall during storms such as hurricanes is expected to increase. Droughts and heat waves are also expected to become more intense as the climate warms. When the whole earth’s temperature changes by one or two degrees, that change can have big impacts on the earth as a whole and the most affected will naturally be the health of human life, plants and even animals too.



There are many factors that contribute to earth’s climate. However scientists agree that earth has been getting warmer in recent years due to human activities such as carbon and other poisonous emissions from fuel powered vehicles and other related activities, because certain gases in earth’s atmosphere block heat from escaping which is called the greenhouse effect. These gases keep earth warm like the glass in a greenhouse keeps plants warm. Human activities such as using more petrol and diesel vehicles, burning of agricultural wastes, coal firing power plants, felling of trees to widen roads, construction everywhere and so on are changing the natural greenhouse. These changes cause the atmosphere to trap more heat than it used to, leading to a warmer earth. Air pollution is such a disaster which cannot be explained by mere words because it hurts billions of people around the world in the worst possible manner.



When human activities create greenhouse gases, naturally the earth warms. This matters because oceans, land, air, plants, animals and energy from the sun all have an effect on one another. The combined effects of all these things give us our global climate. In other words, the earth's climate functions like one big connected system. Thinking about things as systems means looking for how every part relates to others. Earth observing satellites collect information about how our planet’s atmosphere, water and land are changing. Scientists can observe how earth’s systems work together. This will help us understand how small changes in one place can contribute to bigger changes in earth’s global climate. In such a situation, you can imagine the huge difference, air pollution is creating and adversely affecting each and every minute system of our universe which is all connected together.



The ocean also absorbs a lot of excess carbon dioxide in the air which is mainly caused by excess carbon emissions from exhaust of fuel powered vehicles, coal firing power plants and so on. Unfortunately, the increased carbon dioxide in the ocean makes the sea water more acidic which is called ocean acidification. The seawater automatically loses the oxygen content in the water and results in an acidic ocean which affects the normal evaporation process also that causes dangerous climate changes. More acidic water can be harmful to many creatures in the ocean also, such as certain shellfish and coral. Warming oceans from too many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere can also be harmful to these organisms and also a main cause of coral bleaching.



If we don’t tackle climate change at the earliest, most harmful things will happen. Global warming is another of those deceptive phrases which doesn’t sound that threatening. Our generation doesn’t identify seriously about what will actually happen as the globe warms. So let's not waste time again and wait for these disasters to happen and Team Green is fully committed for contributing its maximum in all possible ways to reduce air pollution which is the basic cause of all these disasters because the consequences of the same are terribly dangerous.



As the higher latitudes will be hotter and wetter, we will have wetter winters, and extreme rainfall events will become even more extreme. Sea levels will rise significantly, perhaps by up to a meter by 2100, as waters warm and take up more space with our glaciers and land based ice sheets melting. Sea level rise is particularly scary, because extreme flooding or drought can do terrible harm, and recovery from them is almost impossible. It's a fact that there is no recovery from a rising sea because it takes land, communities, infrastructure and everything else away forever. All of these changes in climate will have terrible consequences. It's so shocking that the concerned authorities are so slow in reacting to this global disaster but let's not wait for anyone who has other intentions as their main criteria, rather we should join hands together to fight for this noble cause of reducing air pollution to the maximum at the earliest and make a change to the upcoming threats.



More frequent extreme flooding and coastal erosion are caused by those wetter winters, heavier rain, stronger storms and rising sea levels which threaten all of us, because floods destroy lives, livelihoods and communities. More water shortages and higher drought are caused by the hotter drier summers and less predictable rainfall which could cause deep damage to our economy and our environment. More frequent fires and extreme wildfires, such as we saw Australian bush fires with terrible human loss, are also due to climate changes. More air and water pollution arises due to those longer, hotter summers that will threaten the living world of plants, animals, our wider environment and our own health. Climate change resulting from air pollution is something we cannot express ourselves in terms of its extent on disaster levels and Team green has this serious concern which will reflect in our activities.



If we continue to emit greenhouse gases at the same rate as of today, then by 2050 one million species across the globe are likely to vanish. Apart from the disasters affecting human life more damage may be caused to wildlife and the habitat on which it depends. Our Asian continent is particularly exposed to these effects because Asia sits at weather crossroads, with a big water mass to the west, a large landmass to the south and the jet stream running over the top. Our location means we will experience more of this extreme weather than some others and so it's not the time to get comfortable because the danger is really serious. If we allow climate change to continue unchecked, Asian green and pleasant land will be neither green nor pleasant and if sea levels rise significantly, there won’t be much of our land left either. So let's not waste further time and act quickly as early as possible to reduce air pollution to the maximum and Team green is ever committed to join hands with anyone who is willing to accept this reality and work together for bringing a healthy green environment.



The environment agencies have spent millions of pounds for improving and maintaining sea walls and other coastal defenses due the fear of air pollution resulting in severe climate changes. In 2013 there was a bigger east coast storm surge than one sixty years previously and nobody died but as sea levels rise and the storms get fiercer, how much higher can we build the walls around our coasts, the better. There’s a limit to what’s practical and even if we build ever higher and stronger defenses along the coastline, there’s another problem for our rivers which get flooded within no time. So the best alternative is to reduce air pollution to the maximum and thereby save the universe from the effects of air pollution.



Due to the effects of climate change, more rain is likely to fall quickly into our rivers. So they will fill up quicker and will flood the surrounding land unless they can rapidly discharge all that rainwater into the sea. But the higher tides and sea levels which climate change will bring also mean that precisely when we need our rivers to be better at discharging water to the sea, they will not be able to do so, because there will be increasing tide locks. This means at the time of high tides the sea does not accept the waters from the rivers and so the respective governments should make sure that shutters of dams should be opened in such a manner by calculating the time required for this discharged water to reach the sea at the time of low tides. So when there is a warning that heavy rain would affect the dams within a few days, then the dam management should not wait for the water to reach the shutter opening level but release the water much earlier when low tides are found in the sea. If dam management is poor, easy floods will happen. These are certain alerts required when we are in a threat of serious climate change effects caused due to massive air pollution.



We could have a real nightmare for the future when the high seas overwhelm our sea defenses and secondly where the rivers flood the land behind the defenses and a third one which is the worst of all are both of these things happen together. The result is, if we fail to address these future risks most seriously, there will be many low lying parts of the country either permanently waterlogged or flooded with such frequency .



Air pollution is the root cause of many tragedies in the world, which affects even the dear ones of our family too because air pollution is not selective in its attack and even goes beyond our borders as a universal disaster. We can remove more than fifty percent of hospitalizations by taking maximum effort to reduce air pollution which is the main reason for many diseases, leading to millions of global deaths annually.



To avoid the fear and grief there is an element of underplaying the risk which happens out of climate changes. A report from an international team of climate researchers which hit the headlines warned of a greenhouse effect. This is the risk that without intervention we could cross a threshold leading to runaway climate change with sea level rise up to 60m. That wouldn’t just make some major threatening cities like Dubai and New York under water but it would make most of the earth uninhabitable. That is why climate change is simply the biggest threat out there to our economy, environment, health, life, way of life, our country, our continent, our world, and our future. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be like this. We can tackle this problem, if we act soon because some of the effects of climate change such as rise in temperatures, sea levels rising, wetter winters, and more violent weather can be prevented by reducing air pollution at the earliest. What we need to do is summed up by two words, mitigation and adaptation.



Mitigation means addressing the causes of climate change by reducing or stopping the human activities which are affecting the climate system such as cutting our emissions of greenhouse gases. Most of the emissions come from the way we produce and consume energy mainly from our petrol and diesel vehicles, manufacturing certain goods, coal firing power plants, burning of agricultural waste and so on. We can lower our emissions by becoming more energy efficient and switching on to renewable or low carbon emission alternatives like electric vehicles, solar roofing's, solar power plants etc. We can both tackle climate change and grow our economy too but most of these emission reductions have to come from replacing fuel powered vehicles with electric vehicles, establishing solar thermal power stations rather than coal power stations, cleaning up heavy industry, latest machinery for recycling agricultural waste, plantation of mangrove trees that absorbs carbon dioxide and so on. Even though it's a lot harder to reduce emissions from transport and agriculture, we have to make it a reality and Team green is fully committed to take the same as a challenge because we strongly believe that prevention is always better than cure and the quicker we move ahead on taking vital steps to reduce air pollution, the better.



Adaptation means making changes for preparing and reducing the effects of climate change. For example by building stronger sea defenses to reduce the vulnerability of coastal communities due to possible rise in sea level, provide subsidies to buy electric vehicles, incentives for solar roofing projects and so on. Other things we can and should be doing now include reducing water usage by cutting leakage, extending domestic metering, avoiding any unnecessary development in floodplains or on fast eroding coastlines, designing infrastructure that will be resilient to the more extreme weather, establishing maximum electric vehicle charging stations etc. The concerned government should take all possible action to mitigate climate change, by continuing to cut greenhouse gas emissions, for reducing the impact of climate change and to ensure that all government policies and investment decisions take it into account. There should be sudden actions that the government should take over the next five years with millions of new electric vehicles and thousands of hydrogen powered container ships, solar power plants etc. to help the country adapt to climate change. We should continue to aim for keeping the global temperature rise below 2° C. Our resilience will only be robust if we prepare for worse scenarios and plans that should take a proactive approach for mitigating and adapting to climate change, taking into account the long term implications for flood risk, coastal change, water supply, biodiversity and the risk of overheating from rising temperatures resulting from air pollution.



We sincerely welcome all socially committed citizens universally to join hands with your humble contributions as donations to fight against the greatest disaster of mankind which is air pollution and thereby save the millions of people who are losing their precious lives along with the billions of people who are struggling with chronic respiratory diseases every year, due to the disastrous effects of air pollution.

So let's decide today that my smallest contributions can change a disaster which the world is facing and there is no doubt that your life will become more meaningful and even your smallest effort will be a great contribution for the biggest change that the whole universe is thirsting. To know the intensity of the same we can categorically establish that air pollution is thousand times more problematic than the recent coronavirus pandemic which has shaken and shut the whole world for a considerable period of time.

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