Who We Are

Green Evangelisation Movement Council, a charitable organization, aims to protect and save God's own nature by finding solutions for pollution especially air pollution, a man made catastrophe that has automatically become an universal disaster leading to a distressful adversity by swiftly contaminating the earth as a whole and pathetically affecting the healthy life span of human beings living in the midst of an environment filled with poisonous emissions from all sides. Water and air, the two most essential factors on which the whole life depends, have become so polluted that they have become like a global garbage.

Clean and unpolluted mother nature should be the ultimate inspiration for every human being. Millions of people are killed every year due to the disastrous effect of air pollution and billions are being seriously affected by life long chronic respiratory diseases like lung cancer, bronchitis, cardiovascular problems, spike in asthma etc. Very particularly, air pollution deteriorates the health conditions of our older ones and our innocent children’s brains, hearts and their lungs.

So undoubtedly there is no better social work we can do to our society than reducing air pollution for saving the life of innocent people and the only way to get out of this problem is to put forth grassy dreams and goals to go green in all possible sectors by finding alternatives that reduces pollution and we help to do exactly that. We intend to create an unpolluted, clean and healthy green environment by promoting all possible measures to reduce poisonous Carbon emissions and thereby finding a remedy for the most unfortunate drastic effects of air pollution.


GEM - Green Evangelization Movement

Green Evangelization Movement, also known as GEM in its short form is registered as a charitable Trust in Gods Own Country, Kerala, by a group of Jesus Youth supporters, with the intention of nurturing God's Own Nature by doing activities related to the mission of our project which is to reduce air pollution at the earliest. As a result of that we promote the use of electric vehicles instead of fuel powered vehicles, solar powered panels and equipment's to depend on electricity from sustainable renewable energy sources, reducing pollution in construction, waste management, controlling indoor air pollution, promoting plastic recycling units, interior and exterior plants that gives clean air to breathe, planting maximum trees, especially the ones that absorbs carbon emissions like mangroves, installing bio gas plants, promoting electric vehicle charging stations etc.

Considering the horrific situation where millions of people are dying every year due to air pollution and what is more alarming is that billions are affected by many chronic diseases, we started promoting Green oriented projects for reducing air pollution, which is the need of the hour that will tackle the greatest human made disaster of all time, the world is experiencing now.

Our Organization is keenly working towards curbing this disaster and is fully committed in implementing all possible measures for bringing this disaster to an end. As the world gets hotter and more crowded, our engines continue to pump out malign emissions, and half the world has no access to clean fuels or technologies. Today nine out of ten people breathe excessively polluted air, which is the primary cause of the atrocious murderous killing of millions every year.

Let us join hands to impact fully terminate this murderous calamity called air pollution which mercilessly causes havoc on human population across the globe. If we are to ponder on this problem wisely, then we realize how selfish and ignorant our Governments and World leaders are, as even after being a direct victim of this calamity, they still fail to work on it or even change its hazardous impact on all of us. So as a matter of fact each and every human being in this universe will be affected by the disasters if air pollution.

Apart from human beings all the species including the planet as a whole will have a threat to its existence which is unbelievable but a real fact which has started to prove its point in recent times. Actually it's everyone, everything and everywhere, which is affected by air pollution including unborn children and our planet as a whole. In this situation the role of GEM becomes so vital where the common man will be given the proper awareness about the disasters of air pollution and also train them about the alternatives to be used for getting out of this nuisance.


Green Evangelisation Begins Here

We believe in the motto "Actions speak louder than just Words". We seek to spread our message of the Green Evangelization Movement through Loud and clear actions. According to Oxford Learner's Dictionary, the word Evangelization means, enthusiastically trying to persuade people to believe in something or appreciate something. Here we do exactly that by eagerly trying to convince the common man about the importance of Going Green in all possible aspects that he concentrates to fulfill in his daily activities. We are excited to spread the message of Green Revolution for avoiding air pollution that contaminates the earth as a whole and thereby creates an opportunity for mankind to nurture God's own nature by using unpolluted alternatives to go green.

We are about the fact that our Motto "let's Go Green" will resonate with the common man that they will be tempted to follow this change and preach for the same everywhere, after experiencing a healthy change from the current pollution, which will be a product of our successful implementation of Green oriented projects. It is our obligation to make the common man understand the need to cooperate with the need of the hour to fight air pollution that has become a reason for millions of deaths across the globe.

Vehicular pollution is the single biggest reason for deteriorating air quality, followed by coal firing power plants, burning of agricultural waste, felling of trees to widen roads, construction and so on. Team Green will foresee these pollution issues and consider this movement as an initial step for enabling a healthy Green Environment. As poisonous emissions from fossil fuels is the main reason for air pollution, we promote and inculcate maximum awareness about the importance of having electric vehicles by looking at various aspects, especially the environmental benefits to the whole world and also its economic benefits to the consumer. It's not only saving God's own Nature but a wonderful tool for saving too. We sincerely make active efforts in enlightening people about the disadvantages of fuel powered vehicles and the hazards that it carries along by emitting various poisonous substances to the atmosphere.


Air Pollution - A Real Threat

According to the WHO, more than 1 million premature deaths in China are caused by air pollution every year and India leads the world in pollution related deaths which also crosses more than a million in a year. Air pollution would decrease the lifespan of a human being from 51 to20 years because it makes innocent people suffer from chronic respiratory and other related diseases including coronary Heart problems, Stroke, Lung Cancer etc. Mostly children below the age of five are leading to lifestyle diseases and also the people above the age of 60, are being very badly affected . In 2019, 16 000 infants died in India within the first month being born, often a direct outcome of a mothers exposure to air pollution during pregnancy.

Most of the 7 million premature deaths attributed to air pollution by the WHO, originates from various poisonous chemicals emitted by the exhausts of fuel powered vehicles, sandstorms, agriculture, industry, wildfires, burning of fossil fuels, felling of trees to widen roads, construction of new housing and public infrastructure to accommodate migrant workers etc. According to the WHO, India Exceeds The limits of small particle pollution by 500%.

Climate change amplifies the health risks caused by pollution, due to intense exhaustion of diesel and petrol vehicles, forest fires, Coal firing power plants, burning of agricultural wastes etc. Link with Lung cancer is well established, where excess deaths from air pollution are caused by Heart attacks, Strokes etc.


Millions of Pollution Related Deaths

In India itself more than 17. million people have died due to the effects of air pollution in the year 2019 only. This is really shocking information but nothing serious is being done to tackle these issues much faster. Along with millions of deaths, billions of people are affected with chronic diseases too.

India leads the world in pollution related deaths, followed by China and Nigeria. As India is on the path of development, millions of vehicles are on the roads and the lack of electric vehicles along with more coal firing power plants have made India the leading country in the world regarding pollution related deaths. New Delhi which is the most polluted capital city in the world is made significantly worse by its location, in the heart of India's agricultural region where rife stubble burning makes fumes that pollute swathes of northern India and add to Delhi's toxic haze in addition to lakhs of fuel powered vehicles.

Although the Government of India has adopted certain measures to promote electric vehicles, it has not gained much popularity due to the lack of charging infrastructures and the lack of awareness among the common man about the importance and economic benefits of using electric vehicles. Moreover, emissions from fuel powered vehicles, especially small and larger Particulate matter, Nitrogen dioxide, Sulphur dioxide and Ozone have likewise been linked to drops in cognitive performance, labor productivity and educational outcomes.


Air Pollution And Solution

A holistic accounting of the harm from fossil-fuel burning is needed to address the growing threat to future generations. Unless we act forcefully right now, our children and theirs will inherit an unsustainable world, lacking the essential ecological resources and social stability to support them.

Globally, the majority of air pollution is generated by the combustion of fossil fuel like diesel fuel, gasoline, oil, Coal and natural gas for transportation, electricity production, heating and industry. Worldwide, in 2011, fossil fuels represented 82% of the total primary energy supply.

The global transportation sector accounts for almost half of energy related Carbon emissions and this proportion is rising. Air pollution emissions from transport have been linked to nearly 400,000 premature deaths annually. Almost half of all deaths by air pollution are caused by diesel, petrol and CNG emissions from the transportation sector, while those living closest to major traffic arteries are up to 12% more likely to be diagnosed with dementia.

A global solution for this is to reduce vehicle emissions to the maximum as an important intervention to improve air quality, especially in urban areas. Policies and standards that require the use of cleaner fuels with advanced vehicle emission standards and the promotion of electric vehicles will reduce vehicle emissions to a great extent. Team Green is fully committed behind the same to save the lives of millions and billions affected by chronic diseases due to air pollution.

When the air is polluted through Carbon and other poisonous emissions, microscopic flecks which are small enough to enter the bloodstream via the respiratory system, leads to Asthma, Lung cancer ,chronic Heart diseases, Stroke etc. Among the world's megacities of million or more people, the most PM2.5-toxic in 2019 was the Indian capital New Delhi where Air pollution has now become a symbol of Delhi, followed by Lahore in Pakistan, Dhaka in Bangladesh, Kolkata in India, Linyand Tianjin in China, and Jakarta in Indonesia.


Electric Vehicles - A Savior

As vehicular pollution is the single biggest reason for deteriorating air quality, the perfect remedy for the same is to promote the two available technologies that really help to reduce Carbon dioxide emissions, other poisonous chemicals, fine particle emissions, especially if powered by renewable energies, are the most eco-friendly alternatives called Hydrogen and electric vehicles.

We must keep in mind that electric vehicles are 100% Green and the best option to reduce our environmental footprint on transportation. We are fully committed to take vital steps for replacing the millions of petrol, diesel and CNG vehicles to electric vehicles, as the first major step towards enabling a healthy green environment which reduces air pollution to the maximum and thereby saving the lives of billions of people across the globe. Hydrogen ,which is also the most eco-friendly alternative, can be used to power electric vehicles.

Although there are several measures and steps to be taken for reducing pollution, we as a nonprofit Organization feel that there placement of petrol and diesel vehicles should be the first positive step to be taken for reducing air pollution because the transportation sector alone with fuel powered vehicles contribute nearly 50% of the global air pollution. Most of the Asian countries have announced many promotional measures for the wide use of electric vehicles. Japan and China are already saving billions of liters in fuel consumption every year by introducing maximum electric vehicles.


UN on Electric Fleets

According to the recent United Nations electric mobility program, it can take as much as 20 years to turn over a country's vehicle fleet. As the very big boom in car numbers in the developing countries is still ahead, we have to make vital steps to ensure low emission technology and avoid an increase in emissions.

The UN Electric Mobility Programme is currently the only global programme that supports electric mobility for developing and transitional countries.As of today, the UN Environment is supporting over 50 countries and cities to introduce Electric buses, car, two and three wheelers.The current transport contributes approximately one quarter of all energy related Carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere, which is set to reach one third, growing faster than any other sector.The global passenger car fleet will double by 2050.

In developing markets, where an estimated hecoenotf four care will be fuel powered. Yet, while developing countries have the fastest growing fleets, most of them have no vehicle emissions standards, new programmes and attractive incentives to promote zero emission vehicles. To achieve a more cleaner transport sector, a combination of effective measures needs to be implemented world wide like non motorized electric transport facilities, public transport, more cleaner and more efficient on - road fleets with electric vehicles .Some countries have put in place policies to support the use of electric vehicles. For example, through a comprehensive set of fiscal and non fiscal measures, one out of our car sold in Norway today is electric, while in China national two and three wheeler strategy that started ten years ago had excellent results.


UN Electric Mobility Program - 1

This program describes the pollution challenge, explores what is already being done to address pollution, and proposes focused and actionable interventions to address pollution in all its forms. The report is a call to act towards a pollution free planet. UN Environment's E-mobility programme supports countries, with a special focus on emerging economies, in introducing electric mobility. Pollution today is pervasive and persistent. While the world has achieved significant economic growth over the past few decades, it has been accompanied by large amounts of pollution, with significant impacts on human health and ecosystems and the ways in which some of the major Earth systems processes, such as the climate, are functioning. Currently, the transport sector is almost completely dependent on fossil fuels.

It contributes approximately one quarter of all energy related Carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere, which is set to go to one-third, growing faster than any other sector. Leading by example, some countries have put in place policies to support the use of electric vehicles. One out of four cars sold today in Norway are electric, while in China a national two and three-wheeler strategy that started ten years ago has now resulted in electric bikes and scooters in plenty in its major cities, with 230 million electric bikes in use to date. Such practices need to be scaled up and replicated around the world to achieve the desired impact.


UN Electric Mobility Program - 2

The UN Environment Programme will work with countries and its strategic partners to support shift from fossil fuels to electric vehicles, including buses, 2 and 3 wheelers and light duty vehicles. The UN Environment Programme will use its extensive network and country contacts to promote electric mobility with a special focus on clean technology options to support the development of electric mobility strategies. The UNEP's Electric Mobility Programme supports countries with a focus on emerging economies, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution by introducing electric mobility. The Programme will be a major contribution to UNEP's work o n air quality, also with regards to the United Nations Environment Assemblies, Air quality resolution and the implementation of the Paris climate agreement.

Today transport contributes approximately one quarter of all energy related Carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere, which is set to reach one-third, growing faster than any other sector. The global passenger Car fleet is projected to double by 2050, with themajority of growth taking place in developing markets. Even though developing countries have the fastest growing fleets, most have no vehicle emissions standards, in place to promote zero emission vehicles. Furthermore electric vehicles will be a stepping stone towards designing an intelligent and futuristic green healthy infrastructure for the transport sector which will be capable of catering to the mobility needs of the huge population indifferent countries.


GEM, United Nations, WHO And IPCC Report With The Same View

It's not only the view of our Organisation ( GEM ) that air pollution is the biggest problem our universe is facing but the United Nations, WHO and almost all the world leaders have categorically stated recently in the 26th UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow on November 2021 that Climate change resulting from air pollution is the biggest universal disaster and also made commitments to reduce Carbon emissions from the use of fossil fuels that causes air pollution. Not only that, 3 months before this meeting the IPCC which is the Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change, a body of the United Nations published its latest report prepared by 234 scientists from all over the world, stating that human activity has resulted in the massive air pollution and sudden action is required to save the precious life of people and the planet as a whole. Therefore, our mission is to have plans set up in a systematic manner for working towards accomplishing our planned objectives in anticipated time with a focus to back up the concept of a healthy green environment.



We sincerely welcome all socially committed citizens universally to join hands with your humble contributions as donations to fight against the greatest disaster of mankind which is air pollution and thereby save the millions of people who are losing their precious lives along with the billions of people who are struggling with chronic respiratory diseases every year, due to the disastrous effects of air pollution.

So let's decide today that my smallest contributions can change a disaster which the world is facing and there is no doubt that your life will become more meaningful and even your smallest effort will be a great contribution for the biggest change that the whole universe is thirsting. To know the intensity of the same we can categorically establish that air pollution is thousand times more problematic than the recent coronavirus pandemic which has shaken and shut the whole world for a considerable period of time.

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Account Number  : 11330100106069
Account : Green Evangalisation Movement Council
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Type : Current Account
IFSC : SBIN0070115


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